Long time no stitch!

Hey there!

It’s been a long time…and I have 1 finished object and still a Campside shawl on the needles… The kids will be going back to school next week and I feel like getting back to my knitting routine thinking about cozy cowls, gloves, socks and scarves to keep my loved ones warm when the weather starts getting colder in a few months.

Here is the sock I finished this month, the second is currently on the needles and my 6 years old daughter already loves them!

Rainbow socks #2

Campside shawl is still on the needles, only a few more rows and it is done! I think the shawl will look great with the eyelets motifs that should open up when blocking.

Campside Shawl #3

Lately, the family grew bigger…no, no baby, just a cute little puppy called Inuki. Enjoy the cuteness 😉

Inuki #1

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